When playing football, I will:

  • Always play my best for the benefit of the team
  • play fairly and be friendly
  • Play by the rules and respect the referee
  • Listen carefully to what my coach is telling me
  • Understand that a coach has to do whats best for the team
  • Talk to Someone I trust at the club or the welfare officer if I am unhappy with anything at my club
  • Encourage my team mates
  • Respect the facilities, home and away


As parents/spectators, I will:

  • Have Fun, celebrate effort and good play from both sides
  • Always respect the Referee and coaches and encourage  players to do the same
  • Stay behind the touchline-(in the designated spectators area)
  • When players make mistakes offer them encouragement to try again
  • NEVER  engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour 


On and off the field, I will:

• Always show respect to everyone involved in the game
• Stick to the rules and celebrate the spirit of the game
• Encourage fair play and high standards of behaviour
• Always respect the Referee and encourage players to do the same
• Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission
• Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive behaviour
• Be aware of the potential impact of bad language on others
• Be gracious in victory and defeat • Respect the facilities home and away
When working with players, I will:
• Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything
• Never tolerate any form of bullying
• Ensure all activities are suited for the players’ ability and age
• Work with others (e.g. officials, doctors, welfare officers, physiotherapists) for each player’s best